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Buffy Rpg Magic Box Pdf File

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  1. Magic Box Vacation Homes

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Magic Box Vacation Homes

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(WHFB & 40k).Sidebar not working? ClickThe above is licensed under 2.0. Honestly, it is. It's Eden Studios Unisystem, which is a single d10. It's easy to get over the top once your get a chunk of XP, or if using the Experienced Hero write-up, but it's still fun. The system includes a lot of Positive and Negatives so you can tweak things a bit.

There's set-ups for playing the Slayer, werewolves, vampires, and even other monsters in the Monster Smackdown supplement. The Angel RPG books includes an entire chapter on how to build the demon you want to be as well.There aren't too many books for the system, but I think they do good job of covering the big areas that need attention.

The monsters get a book, the magic gets a book. Print was pricey, even when it was released, but I'm sure the pdf's are available for a better price.I like the single d10, but there is a tendency to never really run into problems once you get certain scores high enough. The Unisystem uses a scale (Trait+Skill+whatever else) and there are some times minuses, say in the case of called shots. This is added to a single d10, compared to the Success Chart, and them you got some vampire dust! Or one pissed off vampire.

It's sort of hit or miss in that particular regard.The Drama Point system is also fun. It really works well for weaker characters, or if you are using the White Hat write up. Drama Points let you reduce damage, get a clue, inject a significant effect into a scene, or even bring in some truly out there elements in you are in real trouble. I hadn't planned any more posts tonight however,If you like Buffy, the games simple but appropriately detailed rules and drama point system carries the flavor of the series beautifully. I've run 8 or more campaigns with this rules set and its basically identical cousin Angel and never had an issue.

The players have enjoyed it as well and other than dexterity and intelligence being a bit of an uber stat, the rules have very few glitches and some version has been in print for nearly 20 years (Witchcraft 1st edition)Mechanically, Buffy isn't just good, its great, Cinematic Unisystem plays smoothly, runs fast, is fun and yet can do most anything something like GURPS can do. Its kind of a cross between World of Darkness and GURPS using a simple roll to target number system that is very quick and fluid.You can grab the quick start PDF at theBuffy is also compatible with a little tweaking with Eden Studios Witchcraft (which is free) Conspiracy X 2.0, Armageddon. Terra Primate and of course All Flesh Must Be Eaten. Those games use the more skills focused 'classic' system and have a bit more detail but the essentials, hit points, stats, damage that kind of thing are identical and stuff can very easily be convertedIts right out the box compatible with Ghosts of Albion too which is a great game using identical rules.If/when Eden comes out with Beyond Human, it'll work with that as well. Being a fan of both BtVS and RPGs, I wholeheartedly recommend this system.

I ran several memorable games and all of the books still have a place on my gaming shelf.I ran a Post- Series game that involved the players being Whitehats that rallied around a now activated reluctant potential. I set it during high school and borrowed heavily from an indie game called Once Upon A Time, which is oddly enough inspired by BtVS.

It played very much like the television show with an episodic format. I created my own fictional town for the game to be set in as well: Rushwood Hills, West Virginia.Of all the games that I have run for my group, this one was one of the most memorable. I've had a lot of fun with Monsterhearts and Monster of the Week.

My players and I still prefer Buffy (and Angel, Army of Darkness, Ghosts of Albion):). To be honest, MotW tries to do Buffy, while MH tries something else.The games are very different, Buffy being from Early 2000's.

Buffy, like MH, is a system in which players make all rolls. It is a Task-resolution system, instead of a Conflict-resolution.The Drama Point economy basically enforces the genre by itself. You get points by getting into trouble, tropes, bad luck, melodrama, romance, roleplay, and Buffyspeak. Yes, Buffyspeak. You actually have a full chapter in each rulebook on how to Buffyspeak, and it's awesome!

Also, you can have characters mechanically way stronger than others, and the DP economy will balance them in real time.It also has some mechanics (albeit limited) to deal with scenes, episodes, seasons, and so on. It tries to simulate the TV series in several ways.Personally, they are very different games trying to simulate different genres in similar settings. Things tend to happen faster in MH, but once the novelty of the system vanishes, it mostly feel like a PvP experience (and a very good one at it!). I would use Buffy (and Cinematic Unisystem) for any modern dark fantasy game where the heroes should feel like they can save the world nevertheless the odds, but there will be costs.